Common Questions Concerning Slab Lifting

Concrete slabs can be extremely heavy, and they are a common feature that is used in construction and industrial settings. Eventually, it may become necessary to have repairs done to it. This can involve the need to have the slab lifted, and while this is a fairly common repair, it is a process that is often poorly understood by those that may need to have this done to their concrete slabs.

Why Would It Be Necessary To Have A Concrete Slab Lifted?

When concrete slabs are placed on the ground, it is imperative for the soil under the slab to be secure. If the soil starts to erode, the slab will not be properly supported. The weight of the concrete can cause it to collapse on itself, which can lead to potholes and cracks developing. In order to correct this erosion, it may be necessary to lift the slab so that the soil can be stabilized. Another common reason for needing to lift a slab is to repair or otherwise alter utility lines that are under the slab.

What Is Involved With This Process?

Lifting a concrete slab without cracking or splitting it can be a challenging task. There are a couple of different options that can be used to safely lift the concrete. One of the more common involves using powerful jacks that can be inserted under the slab. Another option will utilize a special foam that can gradually raise the slab. The exact option will depend on the size of the concrete and the condition of it. A professional concrete lifting service will need to inspect your slab to determine the option that will be best suited to the situation.

Can Any Damage Slab Be Lifted?

It is necessary to understand that not every concrete slab will be able to be lifted. This will depend on the amount of damage that the slab has suffered. If the slab is severely damaged, it may crack into many different pieces during the lifting process. In some instances, the damaged slab may be able to be reinforced enough to be lifted. A structural integrity test will need to be performed to determine whether the slab's damage is severe enough to prevent lifting it from being a viable option. When it is determined that the slab can not be lifted in its current condition, it may be possible to remove the damaged sections of the slab and lift the remaining portions.

Contact a service, like T. Luckey Sons, Inc., for more help.

About Me

Avoiding Industrial Safety Problems

I have never been a manufacturing expert, but a few years ago I realized that I needed to do something to avoid safety concerns. I started working in my parent's factory, and it occurred to me that there were several parts of the factory that had different hazards that nobody else was paying attention to. I started working with my parents to address these issues, and today I can proudly say that I made their factory just a little safer. This blog is here to help other people to know how to avoid industrial safety concerns, so that their manufacturing plant can keep moving.


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