3 Tips To Create A Sustainable Commercial HVAC System

Maintaining a constant temperature inside your commercial buildings is essential when it comes to employee and customer comfort. A reliable HVAC system plays a critical role in helping control indoor temperatures, but these systems can use a lot of energy. In fact, air conditioning alone accounts for nearly 15% of the primary energy used by commercial buildings throughout the United States.

Here are three tips you can use to create a more sustainable HVAC system without compromising comfort inside your commercial building in the future.

1. Regularly swap out your HVAC unit's filter.

Filtering contaminants from the outdoor air supply used to heat and cool your commercial space is a vital role filled by your HVAC unit's filter. Over time, the contaminants filtered from the outdoor air supply can clog up the air filter.

A clogged filter forces your HVAC unit to work harder to access the air supply needed to maintain a comfortable temperature within your commercial space, resulting in a significant increase in the amount of energy used by your HVAC system. Changing out the air filter on your HVAC unit regularly can reduce energy consumption by up to 15%, helping to make your heating and cooling system more sustainable.

2. Invest in programmable thermostats.

If your current HVAC system doesn't feature programmable thermostats, you could be wasting a significant amount of money each year. You only need to maintain a comfortable temperature within your commercial space during business hours. Outside of operating hours there is typically no one inside the building. A programmable thermostat allows you to reduce the temperature setting after business hours during the winter and increase the temperature during the summer to conserve energy.

Contacting an HVAC specialist to incorporate programmable thermostats into your heating and cooling system will help you make your HVAC system more sustainable in the future.

3. Invest in regular maintenance.

Spending money on an HVAC unit that isn't showing signs of malfunction might seem counterproductive, but a regular maintenance schedule can significantly contribute to the sustainability of your heating and cooling system.

Statistics show that investing in proactive maintenance can reduce the chances of a future breakdown by up to 95%. Regular maintenance keeps your HVAC unit running at optimal levels, helping to make it more sustainable in the future.

Finding ways to improve the sustainability of your commercial HVAC system can help you save money and reduce the negative impact increased HVAC energy use could have on the environment.

For more information, contact Sparks Refrigeration or a similar company.

About Me

Avoiding Industrial Safety Problems

I have never been a manufacturing expert, but a few years ago I realized that I needed to do something to avoid safety concerns. I started working in my parent's factory, and it occurred to me that there were several parts of the factory that had different hazards that nobody else was paying attention to. I started working with my parents to address these issues, and today I can proudly say that I made their factory just a little safer. This blog is here to help other people to know how to avoid industrial safety concerns, so that their manufacturing plant can keep moving.


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