Need An Air Compressor? Two Reasons Why Rental Should Be Your First Choice

If you work in an industry where you occasionally have to use an air compressor, you may have some concerns about how you're going to get the money together to purchase one.  Depending on which model you select, an industrial air compressor can cost as much as $70,000.  However, there is another option available that you may not have considered:  Renting an air compressor.  There are a number of equipment rental companies out there just waiting to lease you the air compressors and other heavy machinery that you need.  Learning more about the benefits of renting an industrial air compressor can help you see why it's the perfect choice for you.

Air Compressor Rental Lessens Your Responsibility

Using limited company funds to purchase an air compressor is a major decision, especially if you have a small establishment or are just starting out.  Factor this with the responsibility of maintaining and storing the device and you can easily tell why rental is such a good idea.

When you buy an air compressor, the cost of ownership extends well beyond the day that you initially sign on the dotted line.  You have to oil the machine and make sure it remains in working condition, otherwise your money was spent in vain.  There's also the cost of insurance coverage, which is absolutely vital to obtain when you purchase such a big ticket item.  Storage may also be an issue if your current facility isn't large enough to adequately store the piece of machinery when it's not in use.

Renting an air compressor is one way to simplify the process.  You can rent the equipment for the duration of the project and return it directly after. The rental company takes care of and insures it, so there's less for you to worry about.

Renting An Air Compressor Could Lead To Expansion

Another reason why you should consider renting an air compressor is because it may be the key to expanding your business.  You'll be able to take on more varied projects because you have access to an industrial air compressor at your disposal should you need it.  Simply taking the time to speak with an expert at your local equipment rental company concerning the different rates for various types of air compressors gives you the power to say "yes" the first time a client offers you a new project that requires equipment that you don't have.

For more information, contact Kruman Equipment or a similar company.

About Me

Avoiding Industrial Safety Problems

I have never been a manufacturing expert, but a few years ago I realized that I needed to do something to avoid safety concerns. I started working in my parent's factory, and it occurred to me that there were several parts of the factory that had different hazards that nobody else was paying attention to. I started working with my parents to address these issues, and today I can proudly say that I made their factory just a little safer. This blog is here to help other people to know how to avoid industrial safety concerns, so that their manufacturing plant can keep moving.


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